篇目:TPO 29 Lecture 1 (Plant Ecology Pedodiversity)
很多同学对TOEFL听力考试缺乏安全感,错误地认为必须把每个词都听懂了才能答对题,实际并不是这样。词汇量大固然是好事,但实际听的时候免不了遇到从未接触过的场景,遇到从未背过的专业词汇,像TPO29中出现的reverberation time,pedodiversity, escape velocity, carbon nanotubes, clovis points等等。如何才能做到“生词做怀而不乱”呢?诀窍只有一个——听好开头的定义。
Sofar we have covered biodiversity in the hard wood forest here in the upper peninsula of Michigan from a number of angles. We've looked at everything fromhow biodiversity relates to species stability, to competition for forests resources and more. But now I want to discuss what’s called pedodiversitv. Pedodiversityis basically soil diversity. When we analyze pedodiversity within anarea, we are measuring how much variability there is in soil properties and how many different types of soil there are in aparticular area.
作者说了半天引出文章主要话题——pedodiversity,很多人从来没有听过这个又长又奇葩的词,一下子感到很紧张,实际上并不用害怕。你看,出题人也知道这是一个大多数人没有见过的专有名词,文章紧跟着就用特别简单的句子下定义:pedodiversity is soildiversity,什么嘛,其实就是“土壤多样性”嘛!而且后面居然还跟了更为人性化、更加具体的解析:how much variability there is insoil properties and how many different types of soil there are in a particulararea. 哎呀,太小看我们了!出题人是不是觉得我们已经忘了diversity的正确含义了呢?