Section 1
【内容】学生找教授说想写一个关于分析炼金术的paper, 然后说当时的炼金术就像今天的化学一样是个学科,教授让他把paper侧重点放在两者之间是怎么transition。 还说炼金术把火看做一个element,有两种特质(这里有考题)。然后说火在封闭空间内会灭(这里有考题)。 之后文章提到了一个概念,屏幕上有拼写,教授说这个是错误的,但是当时按照人们的观察,似乎也有很多人相信(这里有考题)。
Section 2
Section 3
【内容】讲的是一个物质和math 的能力, DNP是一种inner的东西,6个月大的婴儿也有(这里有考题:为什么提到6月大的婴儿)。然后教授举了几个实验:一个是在屏幕上有yellow和red东西,让你count red 多还是yellow多,实验的结论是;另外一个是在十几岁的孩子里做的实验(这里有考题:这个实验的结论是什么)。最后一个女生问:是先有DNP这个东西呢,还是先有math ability呢?DNP能develop?可以通过teaching develop吗?然后教授说这是个好问题!
Some people may just be born with a talent for math. I mean, we’ve known that practicing your times tables makes for better multiplication, but new research shows that our inborn sense of numbers is linked to our math ability, even before any training in math.来源:北京新航道
Researchers gave 200 four-year-olds tests of number sense, which is the ability to guess quantities without counting. In this test kids watched groups of blue and yellow dots flash on a computer screen, and had to guess which color was more numerous. Some comparisons were obvious, like two blue and eight yellow. Others were tough, like five blue and six yellow. Researchers also tested the children's basic math skills
Kids who could judge that a group of six yellow dots is larger than a group of five blue dots were also better at arithmetic. Meaning that number sense correlated with basic math skills, even in pre-schoolers. The study appears in the journal Developmental Science.
Good number sense in adolescents was thought to be linked to good instruction, but turns out from this study that the link between good number sense and good math skills exists before any instruction.
Section 4
【内容】学生想从digit art转到另一个专业,因为他爱动物和大自然,原因是因为他上了一个叫science 的课程。然后他说他觉得computer太容易了。女咨询人员说:你可以转,很多同学都在大一转专业。这男同学表达了自己的担心(这里有考题,问他担心什么?答案是他觉得他之前上的那个course很难,虽然他得了好成绩,但是他害怕以后的课更难他跟不上)然后女咨询员说:我建议你去和这个专业的department谈谈,看他们怎么看(这里有考题:这个女咨询人员跟这男同学约下次见面干什么)
Section 5