Task 1: Which of the following is the most effective way of learning: studying from textbooks, having discussion with a group or reading articles written by others. Please use specific reasons to support your idea.
今天的考题同样是三选一,重复北美2013年10月5日的考题。关于学习方式或者方法的话题是高频考题。TPO中多次出现,如独立完成作业/跟其他人一起写作业(TPO3),网络学习/传统教室学习(TPO7), 上网查资料/查书(TPO13),研究报告/演讲/小组项目哪个对学生最有益(TPO28),人多的地方/人少的地方学习(TPO29)。去年14年的考题也考过多次,如有问题是问老师/问同学,上课记笔记/听老师讲(重复两次)。虽然题目看似比较多,但是如果大家注意灵活变通,很多题目的答案其实都可以依葫芦画瓢,稍加变换就可以用在相关其它的题目中。例如上述TPO3,选择跟其他人一起写作业,理由是可以讨论,遇到问题可以立即解决,问题不会积累;还可以说学习其他人的想法,用多种方法来解决问题,扩展思路;还可以说人多学习气氛好,效率高。完全相同的内容可以套用在传统教室学习,小组项目,人多的地方学习等题目上,当然对于今天的题目也同样适用。再举一个例子,14年还考到了这样两道题道题:谈一谈你跟其他人不一样的学习方法,你想学习的一个人,其实可以套用上课记笔记/听老师讲这一题的答案:My friend usually pays more attention to what the teacher says during the class and takes notes after the class according to his own understanding. I think this is a very effective way of study because he can get a better grasp of the class and it improves his ability to summarize information. This is something I can learn from. However, most of my classmates prefer to spend long time trying to take every single detail down on their notebook but end up not understanding the class quite well.
以下是今天考题的sample answer
I think having a discussion with a group is the most effective way of study compared with the other two because it is more of an active way to study. When I contribute my thoughts, I am also able to learn from different people’s ideas and opinions in a short time, which sometimes can offer me a new perspective and broaden my horizon. For example, I joined a group discussion on gene-modified products last week. After the discussion, I learned a lot from other team members about the potential threat of consuming gene-modified produce for long time, something I didn’t realize before. I think I benefited more from actively getting involved in a discussion than just simply reading the textbooks or other people’s articles.
Task2 Do you agree or disagree that people should wear clothes according to fashion?
以下是该题的sample answer.
I definitely think that people should not follow the fashion. First of all, Fashion always changes. So if people follow fashion closely, the clothes they bought will go out date very quickly and they will always want to spend money buying new clothes, especially for girls, which is a vicious cycle for sure. Take my cousin as an example. She is so obsessed with the fashion magazines and usually buys zillions of clothes from overseas every season, but she doesn’t even take a look at them the next year. This is really crazy and a total waste of money and time. And also, fashionable clothes are not necessarily suitable for everyone. If people follow fashion blindly, the clothes will just look tacky on them and people will lose their own identity.