
2022-05-27 20:36:16

  1start out

  2state park

  3stay awake

  4stay away from

  5stay off one's foot

  6stay put

  7stay up all night

  8step by step

  9step up one's efforts

  10stick around

  11stick with sth.

  1stock up on sth.

  2stop by

  3stop doing sth.

  4stop over

  5stop to do sth.

  6stop watch

  7straight A's

  8straighten out

  9student advisory committee

  10student card

  1student center

  2student government

  3student ID (identity)

  4student loan

  5student lounge

  6students' association

  7study lounge

  8stuff like that

  9stuffed animals

  10subscribe to

  11summer job

  12summer session
