考试君木有带计算器,木有带计算器,木有带计算器,重要的事情说三遍,但是发现基本不需要计算器。整个数学部分的感觉是初中数学难度。知识点主要包括代数方面有多项式分解,复数运算,二元一次方程,一元二次方程的求根公式,一次函数图像,一元一次不等式和一元二次不等式计算,幂的运算等;几何方面包括三角形的勾股定理,相似三角形,圆弧长度。考试君全程笔算,个人认为大陆初中毕业的学生应该都没问题。考试君的一大感受图表结合之多,考察从图表中提取信息的能力。在no-calculator section,25道题目有4题结合图表,而在calculator section,38题中居然有18题都结合图表。在综合阅读、语法部分,发现从图表中提取信息来完成的考察趋势越来越明显。
SAT考试数学题目:Mathematics>Standard Multiple Choice
Read the following SAT test question and then click on a button to select your answer.
A company sells bottles of water. Using data from a random sample of all water bottles, the mean volume, in liters, of water per bottle is 0.96. The margin of error for this estimation is 0.08 liters of water. Which of the following is the most appropriate claim to make based on this sample?
A.The company always fills its water bottles with less than 1 liter of water.
B.The company always fills its water bottles with between 0.96 liters and 1.04 liters of water.
C.The company always fills its water bottles with between 0.88 liters and 1.04 liters of water.
D.It is plausible that the mean volume of all bottles sold by the company is in the range 0.88 liters to 1.04 liters.