
2022-05-24 16:41:22


  1.Today the price of a table was reduced by 20 percent from what it was yesterday, and the price of a lamp was reduced by 30 percent from what it was yesterday

  Quantity A:the dollar amount of the table

  Quantity B:the dollar amount of the lamp

  A. Quantity A is greater.

  B. Quantity B is greater.

  C. The two quantities are equal.

  D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

  2.When the decimal point of a certain positive decimal number is moved six places to the right, the resulting number is 9 times the reciprocal of the original number. What is the original number?

  A. 0.9

  B. 0.09

  C. 0.1

  D. 0.03

  E. 0.003

  3.A company plans to manufacture two types of hammers, type R and type S. The cost of manufacturing each hammer of type S is $0.05 less than twice the cost of manufacturing each hammer of type R.

  Quantity A:the cost of manufacturing 1,000 hammers of type R and 1,000 hammers of type S

  Quantity B:the cost of manufacturing 1,500 hammers of type S

  A. Quantity A is greater.

  B. Quantity B is greater.

  C. The two quantities are equal.

  D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
