
2022-05-19 15:07:20


  A certain doctor suggests that an individual’s daily water intake be 1/2 ounce per pound of body weight plus 8 ounces for every 25pounds by which the individual exceeds his or her ideal weight. If this doctor suggests a daily water intake of 136 ounces for a particular 240-pound individual, how many pounds above his or her ideal weight is that individual?

  A. 12 ?

  B. 16

  C. 30

  D. 50

  E. 120


  解答:医生建议每人每天水的摄入量是 1/2(盎司/磅体重) ---注意这里是总体重-----再加上(体重-标重体重) X8/25,如果医生给一个体重为 240 磅的人建议的每日水摄入量是 136 盎司,那么这个人比理想体重重了多少?列个一元一次方程就可以解出来了240X1/2+8χ/25=136,看看这个公式就明白了 136-(240/2)=16 所以 16/8*25=50。答案选择D。










