1. Nylenna’s study showed that errors in scientific manus submitted for publication often
escape reviewers’ notice results that were not : when Godlee conducted a study of the same
phenomenon, her finding were similar.
A. credible
B. unwelcome
C. anomalous
D. quantifiable
E. consequential
2. Among the Meakambut people of Papua New Guinea, legends are associated with specific
caves in the Sepik region, and these legends are : only the cave owner can share its
A. impenetrable
B. immutable
C. proprietary
D. didactic
E. self-perpetuating
3. It would be imprecise to characterize her scholarship as (i) : though her etymological
discussion is necessarily esoteric, there is nothing (ii) about the conclusions she derives
from it.
A. derivative D. obscure
B. arcane E. controversial
C. careless F. innovative
4. While acknowledging behaviors the Prime Minster took in order to remain in office were
(i) , some politicians nevertheless believed this small amount of (ii) was justified to
keep reforming government in office.
A. unethical D. skullduggery
B. impractical E. indolence
C. quixotic F. incivility
5. Attending with equal (i) to any question that presents itself, the sociologist’s work has
strengths and weaknesses that flow from this energetically (ii) approach.
A. skepticism D. hybrid
B. lethargy E. indiscriminate
C. fervor F. conciliatory
the project’s organizers by classifying an entire catalog of galaxies years ahead of schedule.
(ii) by the (iii) of the volunteers, Galaxy Zoo team was inspired to pursue lines of
research they had never even imagined.
A. beguiled D. Baffled G. insouciance
B. forestalled E. Buoyed H. stoicism
C. astonished F. Embarrassed I. alacrity
7. In establishing that the dust she had observed constitutes two percent of the mass in the
quadrant, the astronomer showed that the dust’s extreme visual prominence its relatively
minor contribution to the total mass of the region.
A. belies
B. masks
C. highlights
D. nullifies
E. disproves
F. accentuates
8. Writing about advances in climate science is often problematic, in part because the material is
so : climate science is the study of shifting, interrelated, and sometimes paradoxical
A. disheartening
B. pedestrian
C. complicated
D. depressing
E. knotty
F. mundane
9. There are many insights in the essay collected in Observations on modernity, but they are
ded in a dense English translation of a dense German original that may make many of them
to most readers.
A. vapid
B. inaccessible
C. sagacious
D. banal
E. distressing
F. opaque
10. Noise suppression in phones can play an important role in making cellphone networks more
efficient, since when sounds that are to the meaningful signal are transmitted, precious
network band width is wasted.
A. unsuitable
B. detrimental
C. irrelevant
D. confined
E. limited
F. extraneous