1、Although cosmic objects have struck Earth since the planet’s very formation, humanity has only recently become aware of these events: two centuries ago the idea that objects orbiting the Sun could collide with Earth was widely _____ .
A ridiculed
B doubted
C disseminated
D promulgated
E marginalized
F disbelieved
正确的答案:B F
2、Torpey’s study has turned a seemingly _____ topic, the passport, into a fascinating one by making an original contribution to the sociology of the state.
A ironic
B banal
C provocative
D witty
E insipid
F stimulating
正确的答案:B E
3、He defended the government’s equivocations regarding the mysterious contrail as resulting not from _____ as critics say, but from a benightedness about its own doings that is almost inevitable, given the multitudinous- ness of its agencies.
A. obtuseness
B. mendacity
C. abnegation
D. guilelessness
E. trenchancy
4、The sailors realized too late that winds had shifted the ice in such a way as to obstruct the ship’s path; this process had been so _____ that it was completed by the time they discovered the effect.
A. gradual
B. negligible
C. unpredictable
D. time-consuming
E. inconsequential
F. imperceptible
5、Some social insects, such as bees and ants, are celebrated for their industriousness and engineering feat, but popular culture has not generally _____ termites for theirs—even though they can build mounds twenty feet high.
A. considered
B. reprehended
C. applauded
D. deprecated
E. exonerated
F. extolled
正确的答案:C F