
2022-06-06 08:25:02


  1. The understanding that human mental bandwidth is a finite and scarce resource could

  fundamentally change the way we think about poverty. Poverty imposes such a(n) (i)_____

  cognitive load on the poor, a mental (ii)_____ akin to losing 13 IQ points, that they have little bandwidth left over to do what might lift them out of poverty - like go to night school or

  search for a new job. Being poor means coping with not just the financial instability, but also with a concurrent (iii)_____ of cognitive resources.


  2.As Shipton makes clear, there has never been a single ―authentic‖ style of jazz conclusively

  superior to all others. Louis Armstrong is the only figure whose stylistic innovations achieved

  anything like (i)_____ currency, and Armstrong himself, for all his extraordinary originality,

  was only one of a number of musicians who helped shape the language of early jazz.

  Accordingly, Shipton presents his history of jazz not as a(n) (ii)_____succession of great men but as an overlapping series of stylistic movements, each of which he describes with a(n)


  3.Since turbines are designed without a(n) (i)____ understanding of such wind flows, they are failing at higher than expected rates. Failure to anticipate sudden gusts is especially (ii)____, because they can both damage the turbines and lead to sudden transmission line overloads. The situation is similar to the early days of aviation, when aircraft designers were working by (iii)____ because the atmosphere was so poorly understood.

