
2022-06-05 20:59:10


  例 Ⅰ:

  The poet W. H. Auden believed that the greatest poets of his age were almost necessarily irresponsible, that the possession of great gifts ---------- the ---------- to abuse them.

  (A) negates ... temptation

  (B) controls ... resolution

  (C) engenders ... propensity

  (D) tempers ... proclivity

  (E) obviates ... inclination


  本题在主句谓语动词believed后,继之以两个以that引导的宾语从句,后者以另一角度复述前者内涵。第一个宾语从句中所陈述的中心主题为irresponsible(不负责任的),带有贬义色彩,这就为第二个宾语从句提供了线索。换言之,出现在第二个宾语从句中的两处空格,应综合体现出前述的“不负责任”这一主题。在空格Ⅱ,五个选项代入后,均无不妥之处,且连同其后作为定语的动词不定式结构,都为贬义色彩。在此情况下,在空格Ⅰ,就再也不能代入任何贬义色彩的选项,否则,“负负得正”的规律会使第二个宾语从句整体上转而带上褒义色彩,故唯有中性色彩的(C) engenders为正确。其余四项代入后均致使事情朝着积极方向发展,无从与此前irresponsible这一主题谐调一致


  abuse: 滥用,妄用

  negate: 否定,取消,使无效

  resolution: 决心,决意,决定

  engender: 使发生,造成,招致

  propensity: 倾向,习性

  temper: 使变淡,使缓和,使温和

  proclivity: 癖性,倾向

  obviate: 排除,消除,避免

  inclination: 倾向,意向,癖好


  诗人W. H. 奥登相信,他那时代最伟大的诗人们几乎都必定是不负责任的;拥有横溢的才华反而导致滥用这些才华的倾向。

  例 Ⅱ:

  During the 1960's assessments of family shifted remarkably, from general endorsement of it as a worthwhile, stable institution to widespread ---------- it as an oppressive and bankrupt one whose ---------- was both imminent and welcome.
