1.地球年龄题 (6)
【01】From 什么 evidence, scientist in 19th centurey____that the earth has a very old age, 但由于什么什么原因, 他们只能____地球的年龄。
recognize...guess at
deduce...measure (680-NO3) (5.8)
【01】说有一群科学家准确地____宇宙的年代,但缺乏精确的证据 about exact time,只能____。
key: recognize...... guess at (较sure) (V750 no3)
干扰项 hope....... deduce (5.9)
//sure key: recognize...... guess at
2、浪漫主义题 (11)
【02】和其他文学形式的___特点不一样,romance具有自己的特点:___怎样of person\'s potential...... (5.8)
【02】浪漫主义题我考到了,照机经选拔 key: shallow...utilization sure (5.9)
【03】Far from most____ of literal FORM, romantic fiction have the____of potential to affect reader's emotion. (5.13)
【17】 说浪漫主义文学的,far from ____什么什么of fiction, 浪漫主义文学____.
前一个空是个贬义词,答案忘了,后一个空填achievement (sure)
1)far from being most ____(key:shallow), romantic fiction is more moving than other genre. 后面还有一个空
2)Far from most____ of literal form, romantic novel/ fiction have the____of potential to affect reader\'s emotion.
key:shallow...realization (NO.3)