1 单空5选1。新GRE中的最简单的题型,与目前的考题没有任何的区别。如新GRE的OG中的1道题:
The reception given to Kimura’s radical theory of molecular evolution shows that when _____ fights orthodoxy to a draw, then novelty has seized a good chunk of space from convention.
A. imitation
B. reaction
C. dogmatism
D. invention
E. caution
该题目的分隔是when和then,他们表示同义重复。而GRE核心词orthodoxy的出现意味着考察到的可能性增强,果然与后面的convention重复,而fights…to a draw与has seized a good chunk of space from重复,因此空格重复novelty,选D。
2双空每空3选1。在空格数量上虽然没有增加,但是由于“协同原则”的弱化,导致难度上升。尤其是词组成选项的情况大量上升,导致我们要处理的信息量增大。在选择中注意排掉冗余内容及理解题目重心。如新GRE 的OG中的1道题:
In stark contrast to his later (i) ____, Simpson was largely (ii) _____ politics during his college years, despite the fact that campus he attended was rife with political activity.
Blank (i): A. activism B. apathy C. affability
Blank (ii): D. devoted to E. indifferent to F. shaped by
由于“协同原则”弱化,所以我们要先从好对应的空格入手。所谓的“好对应”,也就是寻找重复信息多的空格。该题目中显然是第2个空格,因为明显的反义分隔despite出现在后半句。rife作为GRE的基础性词汇,表“prevalent especially to an increasing degree”,所以第2空对于politics应该做负动作,选E。这样的话,逗号结构的分隔同义重复的原则告诉我们“In stark contrast to his later (i) ,而由于stark contrast,则第空填“热情”,选A。
3 单空6选2。这个题型的本质与单空题一样,但是从某种程度上将,这个题目的难度不是提高了,而是降低了,或者说,对于词汇的考查以某种形式映射在了这个题目中。因为我们要选的一定是2个同义词,所以某些情况下,不看原文也可以选对。如新GRE 的OG中的1道样题:
It was her view that the country’s problems had been ____ by foreign technocrats, so the to ask for such assistance again would be counterproductive.
A. ameliorated
B. ascertained
C. diagnosed
D. exacerbated
E. overlooked
F. worsened
有无数的苦难学习躺倒在这一题型中。解好这个题型不仅需要逻辑对应能力,同时也需要对于篇章的理解,这在GRE的填空考试中绝对是史无前例的。如新GRE 的OG中的1道题:
Richard M. Russell said 52 percent of the nation’s growth since the Second World War had (i) ____ invention. He said, (ii) ____ research, the government’s greatest role in assuring continuing innovation is promoting a strong, modern patent office. “Unless we can (iii) ____ original ideas, we will not have invention.” Mr. Russell said. Speculating on the state of innovation over the next century, several inventors agreed that the future lay in giving children the tools to think creatively and the motivation to invent.
首先从主题句中我们知道,这是一篇科技类的文章,整篇文章讲述的是发明与科技的关系。一般情况下,“发明”与“科技发展”应该是正向关系,但是千万记得,不能直接选择,需要比对3个空格的容易程度,再进行选择。比对之后,发现第3空相对简单,因为original ideas和invention显然同义重复,而由unless引起的“时间对比”原则说明两句相反,再由于not,则第3空填正动作,选H。而这种状态下,我们能够明确后面的内容确实是在强调科技,于是回头确认我们的第1空确实填正向动作,于是选C。最后是第2空,政府的角色是对“专利”做正动作,所以对research,仍然做正动作,选E。