
2022-05-27 12:22:58


  1.How do you manage (or, organize, or plan) your time?

  I normally use an app on my iPhone which allows me to program all the events I have for the week and their duration and then I know roughly how much time I have ans when I have to be someplace at a certain time on a certain day and so on.

  2.Would you say you manage (or, organize) your time well?

  Generally speaking, yes. I'm usually quite busy during the week so I need to be well organised, but on weekends I'm normally a bit more relaxed about how I use my time.

  3.When is it most important for you to manage your time?

  I think it is probably when you are at work. When out of work, it's not really going to affect things too much, or at least only yourself, if you are late to meet friends or for an appointment, or if you are getting things done in your house. But at work, it will cause problems if you don't manage your time effectively because you could miss deadlines or miss appointments. You could lose your job. So at work is when it is most important to manage your time.

  4.Do you find it hard to manage your time?

  I used to, a few years ago, and in fact I didn't do much planning, but as I got busier it became more important to be better organised, so I really made an effort to learn about time management and that's when I started using the app I told you about - that's what made the difference for me, and since then it's just become a habit, so now it's easy.

  5.Where did you learn how to organize your time?

  I taught myself really, just by reading some articles about time management and trying to find a way of doing it that suited me. It took a bit of time to get used to being disciplined about it, but eventually it became normal for me.

  6.How do you think you could better manage your time?

  At the moment, I really don't think I could. I mean, I organise all the things I have to do and try to optimise my time between work and studying and it works well for me - so I can't really think how I could improve on what I'm doing just now...but if I had some extra hours in the day, I'd probably plan those as well in the same way.


  7.Do you think it's useful to plan your time?

  Generally, yes, because you can get more done in the same time. But it's important to have some time free when everything's not planned, that's usually how I treat my weekends as long as there's nothing particular I need to do. I tend to be more relaxed about what I do or when I do it. I don't think it's a good idea to be clock watching all the time - you need some periods of time when you don't have things organised and can just go with the flow.

  8.Are you ever late for anything?

  Very rarely, it almost never happens nowadays.

  9.If you had more time, what would you do with the extra time?


  I'd probably use it to relax more and maybe do some kind of activity, maybe a sport or something like that to do something different, or learn something new.
