Viking ship |ˈvaɪkɪŋ| 魔天伦
seesaw 跷跷板
bumper car 碰碰车
merry-go-round 旋转木马
maze 迷宫
slide 滑梯
bungee jump 蹦极
Ferris wheel 摩天轮
rockery 岩石
fountain 喷泉
flowers are in full bloom. 花团绽放
In the morning, you can see seniors working out 晨练
When the dark falls, you can see couples
chatting and kissing under the trees 谈恋爱
sitting on the grassland 静坐草坪
walking on the bank of the lake 在湖岸行走
tower 塔
giant stride 旋转飞椅
monorail 单轨列车
entrance 入口
swinging boat 秋千船
money exchanger 换币处
coffee cup 咖啡杯
guide 导游
rest room 休息室
excursion boat 观览艇
revolving boat 碰碰船
mini-train 小火车
track 铁轨
roller coaster 环滑车
go-cart 单座赛车
rotor 大转轮
mad-mouse (proper noun) 疯狂老鼠
(1) 激发想象inspire my imagination
(2) 培养创造develop my creativity
(3) 艺术品位develop a taste of art
(4) 陶冶情操cultivate my temperament.
(5) 艺术鉴赏cultivate my aesthetic judgment.
(6) 消磨时间It’s a great way to kill time.
(7) 放松方式It’s a wonderful way to unwind=loosen up
(8)丰富生活It can spice up my life.
(9)大饱眼福I can feast my eyes on the breathtaking view.
(10)心情大好It can always put me in a good mood.
(11)放空自己It can make my mind go completely blank.
(12)家人团聚It’s an amazing way to enjoy the quality time.
(13)沐浴阳光It’s a wonderful place to soak up the warm sunshine.
(14)远离喧嚣stay away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities.
(15)保持健康It’s a great way to keep fit.
(16)缓解压力It’s an amazing way to ease the pressure.