1.American Literature 美国文学
2.A Death in the Family家中丧事(1957普利策奖)
Story of loss and heartbreak felt when ayoung father dies.
3. Winesburg, Ohio 小镇畸人
A collection of short stories lays bare thelife of a small townin the Midwest.
4. Go Tell It On the Mountain向苍天呼吁
Semi-autobiographical novel about a14-year-old black youth'sreligious conversion.
5.Looking Backward: 2000-1887回顾2000-1887
Written in 1887 about a young man whotravels in time to autopian year 2000, where economic security and a healthymoral environment havereduced crime.
6. Seize the Day只争朝夕
A son grapples with his love and hate foran unworthy father.
7. ahrenheit 451华氏四百五十一度
Reading is a crime and firemen burn booksin this futuristicsociety.
8. My Antonia我的安东妮亚
Immigrant pioneers strive to adapt to theNebraska prairies.
9. The Awakening 觉醒
The story of a New Orleans woman whoabandons her husband andchildren to search for love and self-understanding.
10. The Ox-Bow Incident黄牛惨案
When a group of citizens discovers one oftheir members has beenmurdered by cattle rustlers, they form an illegal posse,pursue the murderers,and lynch them.