
2022-06-13 03:35:00





  选自:《Nawabdin Electrician》-- DANIYAL MUEENUDDIN

  Unfortunately or fortunately, Nawab hadmarried early in life a sweet woman of unsurpassed fertility, whom he adored,and she proceeded to bear him children spaced, if not less than nine monthsapart, then not that much more. And all daughters, one after another afteranother, until finally the looked-for son arrived, leaving Nawab with acomplete set of twelve girls, ranging from toddler to age eleven, and one oddpiece. If he had been governor of the Punjab, their dowries would have beggaredhim. For an electrician and mechanic, no matter how light-fingered, thereseemed no question of marrying them all off. No moneylender in his right mindwould, at any rate of interest, advance a sufficient sum to buy the necessaryitems for each daughter: beds, a dresser, trunks, electric fans, dishes, sixsuits of clothes for the groom, six for the bride, perhaps a television, and onand on and on.

  Another man might have thrown up hishands—but not Nawabdin. The daughters acted as a spur to his genius, and helooked with satisfaction in the mirror each morning at the face of a warriorgoing out to do battle. Nawab of course knew that he must proliferate hissources of revenue—the salary he received from K. K. Harouni for tending thetube wells would not even begin to suffice. He set up a one-room flour mill,run off a condemned electric motor—condemned by him. He tried his hand atfish-farming in a pond at the edge of one of his master’s fields. He boughtbroken radios, fixed them, and resold them. He did not demur even when asked tofix watches, although that enterprise did spectacularly badly, and earned himmore kicks than kudos, for no watch he took apart ever kept time again.

  K. K. Harouni lived mostly in Lahore andrarely visited his farms. Whenever the old man did visit, Nawab would placehimself night and day at the door leading from the servants’ sitting area intothe walled grove of ancient banyan trees where the old farmhouse stood.Grizzled, his peculiar aviator glasses bent and smudged, Nawab tended thehousehold machinery, the air-conditioners, water heaters, refrigerators, andpumps, like an engineer tending the boilers on a foundering steamer in anAtlantic gale. By his superhuman efforts, he almost managed to maintain K. K.Harouni in the same mechanical cocoon, cooled and bathed and lighted and fed,that the landowner enjoyed in Lahore.

  Harouni, of course, became familiar with thisubiquitous man, who not only accompanied him on his tours of inspection butcould be found morning and night standing on the master bed rewiring the lightfixture or poking at the water heater in the bathroom. Finally, one evening atteatime, gauging the psychological moment, Nawab asked if he might say a word.The landowner, who was cheerfully filing his nails in front of a cracklingrosewood fire, told him to go ahead.

  “Sir, as you know, your lands stretch fromhere to the Indus, and on these lands are fully seventeen tube wells, and totend these seventeen tube wells there is but one man, me, your servant. In yourservice I have earned these gray hairs”—here he bowed his head to show thegray—“and now I cannot fulfill my duties as I should. Enough, sir, enough. Ibeg you, forgive me my weakness. Better a darkened house and proud hungerwithin than disgrace in the light of day. Release me, I ask you, I beg you.”

  The old man, well accustomed to these sortsof speeches, though not usually this florid, filed away at his nails and waitedfor the breeze to stop.

  “What’s the matter, Nawabdin?”

  “Matter, sir? Oh, what could be the matter inyour service? I’ve eaten your salt for all my years. But, sir, on the bicyclenow, with my old legs, and with the many injuries I’ve received when heavymachinery fell on me—I cannot any longer bicycle about like a bridegroom fromfarm to farm, as I could when I first had the good fortune to enter yourservice. I beg you, sir, let me go.”

  “And what is the solution?” Harouni asked,seeing that they had come to the crux. He didn’t particularly care one way orthe other, except that it touched on his comfort—a matter of great interest tohim.

  “Well, sir, if I had a motorcycle, then Icould somehow limp along, at least until I train up some younger man.”

  The crops that year had been good, Harounifelt expansive in front of the fire, and so, much to the disgust of the farmmanagers, Nawab received a brand-new motorcycle, a Honda 70. He even managed toextract an allowance for gasoline.

  The motorcycle increased his status, gave himweight, so that people began calling him Uncle and asking his opinion on worldaffairs, about which he knew absolutely nothing. He could now range farther,doing much wider business. Best of all, now he could spend every night with hiswife, who early in the marriage had begged to live not in Nawab’s quarters inthe village but with her family in Firoza, near the only girls’ school in thearea. A long straight road ran from the canal headworks near Firoza all the wayto the Indus, through the heart of the K. K. Harouni lands. The road ran on thebed of an old highway built when these lands lay within a princely state. Somehundred and fifty years ago, one of the princes had ridden that way, going to awedding or a funeral in this remote district, felt hot, and ordered thatrosewood trees be planted to shade the passersby. Within a few hours, he forgotthat he had given the order, and in a few dozen years he in turn was forgotten,but these trees still stood, enormous now, some of them dead and loomingwithout bark, white and leafless. Nawab would fly down this road on his newmachine, with bags and streamers hanging from every knob and brace, so that thebike, when he hit a bump, seemed to be flapping numerous small vestigial wings;and with his grinning face, as he rolled up to whichever tube well neededservicing, with his ears almost blown off, he shone with the speed of hisarrival.




  选自:《Public Trust in the News》-- Stephen Coleman, Scott Anthony,David E. Morrison

  The news is a form of public knowledge.Unlike personal or private knowledge (such as the health of one’s friends andfamily; the conduct of a private hobby; a secret liaison), public knowledgeincreases in value as it is shared by more people. The date of an election andthe claims of rival candidates; the causes and consequences of an environmentaldisaster; a debate about how to frame a particular law; the latest reports froma war zone—these are all examples of public knowledge that people are generallyexpected to know in order to be considered informed citizens. Thus, in contrastto personal or private knowledge, which is generally left to individuals topursue or ignore, public knowledge is promoted even to those who might notthink it matters to them. In short, the circulation of public knowledge,including the news, is generally regarded as a public good which cannot besolely demand-driven.

  The production, circulation and reception ofpublic knowledge is a complex process. It is generally accepted that publicknowledge should be authoritative, but there is not always common agreementabout what the public needs to know, who is best placed to relate and explain it,and how authoritative reputations should be determined and evaluated.Historically, newspapers such as The Times and broadcasters such as the BBCwere widely regarded as the trusted shapers of authoritative agendas andconventional wisdom. They embodied the Oxford English Dictionary’s definitionof authority as the ‘power over, or title to influence, the opinions ofothers’. As part of the general process of the transformation of authoritywhereby there has been a reluctance to uncritically accept traditional sourcesof public knowledge, the demand has been for all authority to make explicit theframes of value which determine their decisions. Centres of news production, asour focus groups show, have not been exempt from this process. Not surprisinglyperhaps some news journalists feel uneasy about this renegotiation of theirauthority:

  Editors are increasingly casting a glance atthe ‘most read’ lists on their own and other websites to work out which storiesmatter to readers and viewers. And now the audience—which used to know itsplace—is being asked to act as a kind of journalistic ombudsman, ruling on ourcredibility. (Broadcast journalist, 2008)

  The result of democratising access to TV newscould be political disengagement by the majority and a dumbing down through apopularity contest of stories. (Online news editor, 2007)



  引自:《Decoding a Flower's Message》-- Elsa Youngsteadt

  Texas gourd vines unfurl their large, flaredblossoms in the dim hours before sunrise. Until they close at noon, theiryellow petals and mild, squashy aroma attract bees that gather nectar andshuttle pollen from flower to flower. But “when you advertise [to pollinators],you advertise in an open communication network,” says chemical ecologist IanBaldwin of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Germany. “Youattract not just the good guys, but you also attract the bad guys.” For a Texasgourd plant (Cucurbita pepo variety texana), striped cucumber beetles(Acalymmavittatum) are among the very bad guys. They chew up pollen and petals, defecatein the flowers and transmit the dreaded bacterial wilt disease, an infectionthat can reduce an entire plant to a heap of collapsed tissue in mere days.

  The gourd vine’s problem—how to attractenough pollinators but not too many beetles—is a specific case of a floraldilemma that biologists first noticed many decades ago. In 1879, Austrianbotanist Anton Kerner von Marilaun published a treatise titled The ProtectiveMeans of Flowers against Unbidden Guests, in which he described glands andsticky hairs that seemed to help keep harmful insects at bay. But a centurylater, scientists had still barely begun to consider the contribution of aflower’s scent to those interactions; to do so would require a convergence offieldwork, chemistry and molecular biology. “We’re just beginning to train thetype of biologists who can use those tools,” Baldwin says. The resultingexperiments have begun to reveal the many ways that floral fragrances maymanipulate animal behavior.

  In one recent study, published in theFebruary issue of Ecology, Nina Theis and Lynn Adler took on the specificproblem of the Texas gourd. Its main pollinators are honey bees (Apismellifera) and specialized squash bees (Peponapis pruinosa), which respond toits floral scent. The aroma includes 10 compounds, but the most abundant—and theonly one that lures squash bees into traps—is 1,4-dimethoxybenzene.



  1.摘自林肯的著名演讲,节选内容主要在说面对bad law,我们一定要先遵守,之后再去完善它。

  2.这一篇与第一篇相反,是Thoreau的名篇《Civil Disobedience》节选:对于bad law,无论何时我们都应该绝地反抗。

  Passage 1

  节选自:林肯著名演讲《 The Perpetuation of Our PoliticalInstitutions: Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield,Illinois January 27, 1838》

  I know the American People are much attachedto their Government;--I know they wouldsuffer much for its sake;--I know theywould endure evils longand patiently, before they would ever think ofexchanging it for another. Yet,notwithstanding all this, if the laws becontinually despised and disregarded,if their rights to be secure in theirpersons and property, are held by nobetter tenure than the caprice of a mob,the alienation of their affectionsfrom the Government is the naturalconsequence; and to that, sooner or later,it must come.

  Here then, is one point at which danger maybe expected.

  Passage 2

  节选自:《Civil Disobedience》 --- Henry David Thoreau

  How can a man be sat­is­fied to en­ter­tainan opin­ion merely,and en­joy it? Is thereany en­joy­ment in it, if hisopin­ion is that he is ag­grieved? If you arecheated out of a sin­gle dol­larby your neigh­bor, you do not rest sat­is­fiedwith know­ing that you arecheated, or with say­ing that you are cheated, oreven with pe­ti­tion­ing himto pay you your due; but you take ef­fec­tualsteps at once to ob­tain the fullamount, and see that you are never cheatedagain. Ac­tion from prin­ci­ple,—theper­cep­tion and the per­for­mance ofright,—changes things and re­la­tions; itis es­sen­tially rev­o­lu­tion­ary,and does not con­sist wholly with any thingwhich was. It not only di­videsstates and churches, it di­vides fam­i­lies;aye, it di­vides the in­di­vid­ual, sep­a­rat­ing the di­a­bol­i­calinhim fromthe di­vine.

  Un­just laws ex­ist: shall we be con­tent toobey them, or shall ween­deavor to amend them, and obey them un­til we havesuc­ceeded, or shall wetrans­gress them at once? Men gen­er­ally, un­der such agov­ern­ment as this,think that they ought to wait until they have per­suadedthe ma­jor­ity toalter them. They think that, if they should re­sist, therem­edy would be worsethan the evil. But it is the fault of the gov­ern­mentit­self that the rem­edy is worse than the evil. It makes it worse. Why is itnotmore apt to an­tic­i­pate and pro­vide for re­form? Why does it notcher­ishits wise mi­nor­ity? Why does it cry and re­sist be­fore it is hurt?Why doesit not en­cour­age its cit­i­zens to be on the alert to point out itsfaults,and do bet­ter thanit would have them? Why does it always cru­cify Christandexcommunicate Co­per­ni­cus and Lu­ther, and pro­nounce Wash­ing­tonandFrank­lin rebels?



  Solar panelinstallations continue to grow quickly, but the solar panel manufacturingindustry is in the doldrums because supply far exceeds demand、. The poor market may be slowinginnovation, but advances continue; judging by the mood this week at the IEEEPhotovoltaics Specialists Conference in Tampa, Florida, people in the industryremain optimistic about its long-term prospects.

  Thetechnology that’s surprised almost everyone is conventional crystallinesilicon. A few years ago, silicon solar panels cost $4 per watt, and MartinGreen, professor at the University of New South Wales and one of the leadingsilicon solar panel researchers, declared that they’d never go below $1 a watt.“Now it’s down to something like 50 cents of watt, and there’s talk of hitting36 cents per watt,” he says.

