以因果关系题型为例,其典型标志词包括because, result from, since, for, for the reason that, due to,therefore, thus等。在做这一类题型时,可以根据“因为爱,所以爱”这样的原则较快的完成“前因后果”或者“前果后因”的句子。
以对比关系题型为例,其标志词有far from, rather…than, paradoxically, irony, surprisingly, change, turn into…等。
1. The spellings of many Old English words have been ____ in the living language, although their pronunciations have changed.
A. preserved B. shortened C. preempted D. revised E. improved
2. Many paintings of the American southwest convey a feeling of isolation and loneliness that mirrors the ______ landscape they depict.
A. lust B. sprawling C. desolate D. gaudy E. monumental
3. Old age, even in cultures where it is ______, is often viewed with______.
A. venerated...ambivalence B. rare...surprise C. ignored...condescension
D. feared...dismay E. honored...respect
4. The movie’s plot was ______: once you knew what befell the hero, you could ______ the fate of the villain.
A. convincing…misinterpret B. misleading…anticipate C. predictable…foresee
D. ironic…endorse E. spellbinding…ignore
5. Although the editors were reputed to be very ______, the uneven quality of the material may put into the anthology suggests they were too ______.
A. amateurish…professional B. lax…harsh C. selective…inclusive
D. judgmental…discriminating E. sensitive…insightful
6. Favoring economy of expression in writing, the professor urged students toward a ______ rather than an ______ prose style.
A. spare…ornate B. terse…opinionated C. personal…academic
D. baroque…embellished E. repetitive…intricate