
2022-05-31 03:50:55

  第四篇文章 29-37题

  Question 29.

  Whichchoice best describes the structure of the first paragraph?

  A. A personal history is narrated,historical examples are given, and a method is recommended.

  B. A position is stated,historical context is given, and earnest advice is given.

  C. Certain principles are stated,opposing principles are stated, and a consensus is reached.

  D. A historical period is described,and its attributes are reviewed.





  选项B是最佳答案。在第一段,AC这个人陈述自己观点,认为社会上出现的改变是“not to be deplored, but welcomed as highly beneficial” (12-13行). 在提供了穷富关系的历史背景后,C在第一段总结并给与证据: “It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable” (27-28行).

  选项A不对,因为第一段强调的是整体人类当前的现实情况—“conditions of human life” (4-5行)—而不是任何个人的历史。选项C不对,因为第一段描述的是作者个人的想法和结论,而不是达成共识的结论。选项D不对,因为第一段更关注 “our age” (第1行) 而不是过去。


  Craft andStructure

  5. Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences,paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g., a

  section, chapter, scene, or stanza)relate to each other and the whole.


  Analyzing textstructure

  Questions focus on the overallstructure of a text and on the relationship between a particular part of a textand the whole text.

  Question 30.

  Theauthor most strongly implies which of the following about “the ties ofbrotherhood”?

  A. They were always largelyfictitious and are more so at present.

  B. They are stronger at presentthan they ever were before.

  C. They are more seriouslystrained in the present than in the past.

  D. They will no longer be able tobring together the rich and the poor.





  选项C是最佳答案。C在1-4行提出他那个年代的一个大问题就是如何分配财富,才能 “the ties ofbrotherhood may still bind together the rich and poor in harmoniousrelationship.” (理解:穷富和谐,兄弟齐心)换句话说,他担心穷富之间的“ties of brotherhood” (理解:兄弟情义)会不如以前那样强了。

  选项A不对,因为C俺是现代社会的改变负面的影响了穷富的关系,但是他并没有说这样的关系从未出现过。选项B不对,因为文章暗示的“the ties ofbrotherhood”比之前更弱了。选项D不对,因为C说这些纽带在继续,而且“may still bindtogether the rich and poor in harmonious relationship.”(理解:还会继续让穷富和谐在一起)


  3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, or ideas develop and interactover the course of a text.



  These question focus on the explicitand implicit meaning of text and on extrapolating

  beyond the information and ideas in atext.

  Question 31.

  Theauthor uses “dwelling, dress, food, and environment” as examples of

  A. things more valued in thepresent than in the past.

  B. bare necessities of life.

  C. things to which all people areentitled.

  D. possible indications ofdifferences in status.





  选项D是最佳答案。C解释穷富对比比过去更大: “In former daysthere was little difference between the dwelling, dress, food, and environmentof the chief and those of his retainers…” (lines 6-9). C使用 “dwelling, dress, food, and environment”的例子用来表示穷富地位的区别。

  选项A不对,因为C并没有说基础需求,如食物和房屋,就比过去更有价值。选项B不对,因为虽然这些生活的方面是必须需求,但是他们被使用的目的是说明地位区分很明显。选项C不对,因为C病不是使用这些例子来说 “dwelling, dress, food, and environment” 是所有人都有的东西。


  Craft andStructure

  5. Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences,paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g., a

  section, chapter, scene, or stanza)relate to each other and the whole.


  Analyzing textstructure

  Questions focus on the overallstructure of a text and on the relationship between a particular part of a textand the whole text.

  Question 32.

  Theauthor describes the people who live in the “houses of some” as interested inthe

  A. materials from which theirhouses are constructed.

  B. size of their homes.

  C. advantages of culture.

  D. pedigree of their guests.




  选项C是最佳答案。在14-18行,C说 “essential, for the progress of the race that the houses of some shouldbe homes for all that is highest and best in literature and the arts, and forall the refinements of civilization, rather than that none should be so.” C想表达的是“houses of some”住的应该是关心文化的人,或者“highestand best in literature and the arts.”

  选项A,B,D不对,因为14-18明确表明居住在“houses of some”的人很关心文化,而不是关心他们房子的材料,尺寸和宾客的等级。


  3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, or ideas develop and interactover the course of a text.



  These question focus on the explicitand implicit meaning of text and on extrapolating

  beyond the information and ideas in atext.

  Question 33.

  Whichchoice provides the best evidence for the answer to question 32?

  A. “the palace of the millionaireand the cottage of the laborer,”

  B. “all that is highest and bestin literature and the arts,”

  C. “Much better this greatirregularity than universal squalor,”

  D. “Without wealth there can be no Maecenas,”




  选项B是最佳答案。15-16行C倡导“house for some” 应该装着关心文化的人,比如“all that is highest and best in literature and the arts.”

  选项A和C不对,因为9-10和18-19强调了穷富财富的差异,但是并没有具体提出居住在“houses of some”的人。选项D不对,因为19-20行,C提出艺术的主顾存在是因为财富。


  1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to makelogical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing orspeaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

  3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, or ideas develop and interactover the course of a text.



  These question focus on the explicitand implicit meaning of text and on extrapolating

  beyond the information and ideas in atext.

  Citing textual evidence

  The student will cite the textual evidence that best supports a given claimor point.

  Question 34.

  Theauthor uses the phrase “good old times” as an example of

  A. a cliché that still has lifeand usefulness left in it.

  B. a bit of folk wisdom from hischildhood.

  C. something said by those whohave acquired great riches.

  D. something said by people who donot share his viewpoint.




  选项D是最佳答案。C使用“good old times”中的引号想要说明其他人将过去说成 “good oldtimes.” 然而,C认为这些 “‘good old times’ were not good old times. Neither master nor servantwas as well situated then as to-day” (lines 20-22), 这也就俺是了C并不相信过去更好。

  选项A不对,因为C立刻反对了这个词语的有效性。选项B不对,因为文章并没有提出来自C儿时这样的证据。选项C不对,因为没有证据说明“good old times”这个词语是富人用的。


  4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, includingdetermining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze howspecific word choices shape meaning or tone.


  Interpreting words and phrases in context

  The student will determine the meaning of words andphrases in context.

  Question 35.

  Whatis the author’s main point about the disadvantages of the modern economicsystem?

  A. It provides only a few peoplewith the advantages of culture.

  B. It replicates many of theproblems experienced in the past.

  C. It creates divisions betweendifferent categories of people.

  D. It gives certain people greatmaterial advantages over others.




  选项C是最佳答案。47-60行解释了C的时间标准已经大大的提升了,而且这种提升的代价就是 “All intercoursebetween [rich and poor] is at an end. Rigid castes are formed . . .” (lines 65-66). 现代经济系统的一个不好的地方,换句话说,就是阶级区分。

  选项A不对,因为C说了有人能够走向高级文化是必要的。选项B不对,因为C认为 “conditions ofhuman life have not only been changed, but revolutionized, within the past fewhundred years” (lines 4-6) 而且并没有表示现代经济系统复制了过去的问题。选项D不对,因为C写到 “Muchbetter this great irregularity than

  universal squalor” (lines 18-19).


  2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze theirdevelopment; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.

  3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, or ideas develop and interactover the course of a text.


  Determiningcentral ideas and themes

  The student will identify explicitlystated central ideas or themes in text and determine implicit central ideas orthemes from text.


  These question focus on the explicitand implicit meaning of text and on extrapolating

  beyond the information and ideas in atext.

  Question 36.

  Whichchoice provides the best evidence for the answer to question 35?

  A. “The master and his apprenticesworked side by side, the latter living with the master, and therefore subjectto the same conditions,”

  B. “There was, substantially,social equality, and even political equality, for those engaged in industrialpursuits had then little or no voice in the State,”

  C. “The inevitable result of sucha mode of manufacture was crude articles at high prices,”

  D. “All intercourse between themis at an end,”




  选项D是最佳答案。47-60解释了C的时间标准已经大大的提升了,在61-62行揭示了这些是有代价的: “The price we pay for this salutary change is, no doubt,

  great.” 65-66 行解释了这些代价就是“Allintercourse between [rich and poor] is at an end.” 现代经济系统的一个不好的地方,换句话说,就是阶级区分。



  1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to makelogical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing orspeaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

  3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, or ideas develop and interactover the course of a text.



  These question focus on the explicitand implicit meaning of text and on extrapolating

  beyond the information and ideas in atext.

  Citing textual evidence

  The student will cite the textual evidence that best supports a givenclaim or point.

  Question 37.

  Asused in sentence 1 of paragraph 5, “in its train” is closest inmeaning to

  A. beforeit.

  B. withit.

  C. anticipatingit.

  D. advancingit.




  选项B是最佳答案。在最后一段,C写到 “law of competition” (lines 76-77), 揭示了法律是有代价的,并且提供了每一个相关人员改善的生活条件。说这些条件是

  “in the train” 随着法律的火车到来,以为了他们伴随着法律而来。

  选项A,C,D不对,因为在这个语境中,“in its train”并不意味着在法律之前,预测了法律到来,或帮助法律来到。


  4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, includingdetermining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze howspecific word choices shape meaning or tone.


  Interpreting words and phrases in context

  The student will determine the meaning of words andphrases in context.

