43 … … It is not also likely, then, that certain space relations, rhythms, and stresses have psy-
44 chological significance, that some of these patterns are universal and the key to emotional
45 response, that their deviations and modifications can be meaningful to artists in terms of their
46 own life experiences and that these overtones are grasped by spectators without conscious
47 analysis?......
Q1: As used in line 43, “stresses” most nearly means
(A) emphases (B) loads (C) anxieties (D) influences (E) sounds
Q2: As used in line 46, “grasped” most nearly means
(A) adhered to (B) seized on (C) controlled (D) held (E) understood
2、Grasp本意为“抓住”,引申义为“理解”。在上下文中,grasp后有“without conscious analysis”,analysis一词说明这里的grasp必然不是肢体语言,而是主观上的理解。答案昭然若揭,选E。