
2022-05-18 10:25:59

  今天我们要给大家练习的口语话题,特别生活,也特别敏感,关于借钱,我相信每个人都经历过借或被借,不过这次要让你用英语来表达感觉和看法,这个话题就是Describe a time you borrowed something from your friends or family。接下来请看雅思内容:剑桥雅思英语口语话题-借钱

  Describe a time you borrowed something from your friends or family描述某次你从你的朋友或家人那里借东西

  You should say:你应该说:

  What it was这是什么

  When you borrowed it当你借的时候

  Whom you borrowed it from你从谁那里借的

  What you did with it你对它做了什么

  And Why you borrowed it你为什么要借它

  PART 3

  Why do some people like to borrow things instead of buying them?为什么有些人喜欢借钱而不是买东西?

  What would you do if people don t return the money they borrowed from you?如果人们不归还他们从你那里借的钱,你会怎么做?

  Why are people embarrassed when they borrow money from others?为什么人们在向别人借钱时感到尴尬?

    以上为雅思内容:剑桥雅思英语口语话题-借钱。点击上面的2018年全年雅思口语机经预测【已更新】,下载最新题库,供大家练习,助力冲刺口语高分。Happy holidays!

