
2022-06-15 00:11:08

  今天的雅思口语话题,是个古老的话题,金钱,金钱是万恶之源吗?如果你没有逻辑和阐述,就这么单单说一句,难免被断章取义或贻笑大方,所以,无论口语还是写作,大家都要有逻辑。 接下来请看雅思内容:剑桥雅思4口语答案模板和思路

  雅思口语part 2及part 3话题:

  Describe a time when you received money as a present.描述一个你收到钱作为礼物的时间。

  You should say:你应该说:

  Who gave it谁给了它

  When you received It当你收到它的时候

  What you did with it你对它做了什么

  How you felt about it你对它的感觉

  PART 3第3部分

  In your country, do parents give children money for doing housework?在你的国家,父母给孩子做家务的钱吗?

  Is it important for children to have a right attitude towards money?对孩子来说,对金钱有正确的态度是很重要的吗?

  What do you think of the saying: love of money is the root of all evil?你怎么看这句话:对金钱的爱是万恶之源?

  Is it important to teach children how to manage their pocket money?教孩子们如何管理他们的零花钱是很重要的吗?

  What kinds of occasions require people to send money as gifts?什么样的场合需要人们送钱作为礼物?

    以上为雅思内容:剑桥雅思4口语答案模板和思路。这些口语题目,对自己的思维也是很好的训练,慢慢地,从最开始不知道怎么说,逐步就晋级到不仅会说,还说得简明扼要,层次分明。Happy holidays!

