雅思口语话题集之Part 3

2022-05-29 07:58:10

  雅思口语话题集之Part 3!雅思口语中考官对考生的英语水平进行考察,考生需要拿高分就需要在流利方面、表达的连贯性、词汇多样性等等。为了帮助大家有效备考,小编为大家带来了雅思口语话题集之Part 3总结,方便大家备考。

  Part 3: Two-Way Discussion

  We’ve been talking about a teacher who influenced you and I’d like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this

  Development in Education

  Describe developments in education in your country

  Compare the experience of your parents

  What changes are coming?

  National Education

  What are your countries aims for education

  What is the importance of extra-curricular activities

  Styles of Teaching

  Describe different styles of teaching

  What is your preferred method of learning?

  Should learners be grouped by ability?....

  以上为雅思口语话题集之Part 3素材整理,更多雅思口语备考指导及复习资料尽在
