剑桥雅思10 口语解析

2022-06-05 14:41:54

  剑桥雅思10 口语解析!剑桥雅思资料是官方出版的权威真题资料,在雅思备考中考生使用剑桥资料比较广泛,为了帮助大家备考,小编为大家带来了剑桥雅思10 口语解析资料,希望对大家备考有帮助。

  Describe something you don’t have now but would really like to own in the future.

  You should say:

  what this thing is how long you have wanted to own it where you first saw it and explain why you would like to own it.



  What:the name

  How long:the time you first saw this thing and where you saw this thing

  Why:explain the reason you want to own it


  Actually the thing I want to possess in the future is actually

  I have long been fascinated by charms of 

  AfterI was deeply impressed by

