
2022-06-03 09:16:27

  Do you often travel by boat?为了帮助大家更好地为雅思口语考试做准备,我们针对这个话题,给大家准备了答题思路和答案范文供大家参考。接下来请看雅思内容:雅思口语第二部分话题答题思路关于travel

  Do you often travel by boat?

  first of all, travel有两种意思,出行和旅游,那么我们都在什么时候会坐船出行呢?试想住在意大利的威尼斯(Venice)或者云南水乡(watery place/region)的同学的日常出行除了坐船可能也并没有其他选择(other choices/alternatives),船是不可或缺(indispensable)的交通方式。这道题给肯定回答的话同学们要注意,千万不要说完自己的家乡is just like Venice之后就so, you know~~~考官可能会直接给你一个"NO I DON'T"(不要问老师是怎么知道的,都是泪)我们的答题原则是话一定要讲清楚!讲清楚!讲清楚!(重要的话说三遍)后面依然需要解释一个watery place就是一切城市设施(facilities)都建在水上(above water)而不同于普通的城市,并没有所谓的"路"(there are no so-called "roads"),这样才算讲清楚了。

  那么相信更多的同学可能都不会把船当成日常出行的主要交通工具(means of transport)吧,所以先要强调出行目的是旅行,可以用到go on a long journey(进行一次长途旅行)或者go on a trip(没有强调长途的旅行)这些表达。而在旅行途中我们需要坐船的场合(occasion)也无非是在游览景区的水域(go sightseeing on a lake/down the streams,)时,其他时候选择搭乘飞机或火车(take a plane/train)会帮我们节省掉很多时间(save somebody a lot of time)。

  版本一:Actually I would say yes, taking a boat is like the indispensable transport in my daily life, because I live in a watery place in the south-west of China, which is just like the Venice. We go everywhere by boat since the all the houses and facilities are built above water, there are no so-called "roads". So speaking of travelling to another place, I don't really have any alternative but taking a boat.

  版本二:Not really, mostly when I go on long journeys, apparently it saves me more time to travel by plane or train. When I need to go somewhere nearby my location, I prefer to drive there or take a bus. Actually I can't think of any occasion when taking a boat could be a preferable mean of transport, unless you want to go sightseeing around a lake or down the streams etc., which does not happen on most of my trips.

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