
2022-06-03 13:39:47

  雅思口语part2应该怎么回答?为了帮助大家更好地准备雅思口语第二部分,我们今天以Do many people in your country own their own boat这个问题举例,给大家讲解答题思路和答案范文供大家参考。接下来请看雅思内容:雅思口语part2考试模板举例

  Do many people in your country own their own boat?


  买不买自己的船取决于两个方面:需不需要(whether it's necessary)以及买不买得起(whether they can afford it)。很明显在中国大部分人(most people, the majority of people)并不需要,因为大部分人住在内陆(the inner part of the mainland)。即使是对于住在沿海城市(coastal cities)的人来说,出海的频率(frequency)也不会高到需要买一艘自己的船(private boat)。只有壕(well off/fortunate/wealthy/rich people)才买得起(afford)船,而且正常也都是小游艇(yacht)。(家里有游轮(cruise)的请联系我。)

  I wouldn't say so. The majority of people in my country live in the inner part of the mainland, so they don't need a boat most of the time. Even for the people who live in coastal places, it's not necessary to own a private boat because they don't need it that often. For my knowledge, only a few well off people can afford their own yachts for entertainment.

  版本二:For people in the south of China, many of them own fishing boats ‘cause like I said, they catch fish to make a living.And at some tourist spots near the ocean, local people tend to buy speedboats and they would rent them to tourists, but in my hometown or other cities in the north, people seldom buy boats ‘cause it’s just not necessary.

