Worldwide /global (adj)
Involve (v)
Come up with
Financial reward
Have s.o heart set on +Ving
Integral part
Can't stand+Ving
Crave for
Over the moon
Extraordinary heart
Make a difference
get promotion:someone who got promotion is given a more more important job in the same organization
blue-collar worker
relating to manual workers
Workplace automation has eliminated many of the jobs that enabled blue-collar workers to join the middle class.
white-collar worker
relating to those who work in an office
White-collar workers are evaluated based on performance.
to take time off
to stop working for a short time
Paid absence from work specifically to recover from illness.
Sick leave is usually 1- 1 1/2 days per month.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give'