雅思口语 animal居然也可以成送命题

2022-06-08 20:54:53

  Describe an interesting animal you like.你觉得这道题有难度吗?也许你觉得很简单,那么我问你,如果你的G点和考官的G点不在一个频道上......接下来就是带来的雅思内容:雅思口语 animal居然也可以成送命题

  Describe an interesting animal you like.

  You should say:

  where you learned about this animal;

  what it looks like;

  where it lives;

  and explain why you like this animal.

  OK,小编为什么把这道题列为雅思口语送命题呢,原因很简单,因为你认为的interesting 和考官认为的interesting 往往差别很大。所以,大家必须要学会如何把一些事物的趣味点展现出来。


  One of my favorite wild animals is leopard, a kind of large carnivores native to northern China. Leopards look like female lions to some extent, but there are spot patterns on their furs, which makes them very attractive.


  以上为带来的雅思内容:雅思口语 animal居然也可以成送命题,说白了,你和考官之间的沟通要有效,达到共情,那么你就赢了~
