破天荒的新题:2018年5月雅思口语 space travel

2022-06-09 16:16:57

  本文内容是2018年5月6日的雅思口语part1考题Space travel,太空旅行以及范文。这是一道雅思口语历史上破天荒的全新话题,共五个问题。接下来就是带来的雅思内容:破天荒的新题:2018年5月雅思口语 space travel

  2018年5月雅思口语话题part1范文:Space travel

  5月是乃雅思口语变题月,一些新题会在本月的几次考试中陆续出炉,当然,大部分新题在第一场考试,也就是5月6号场的考试中就会出现。本文为你带来一道历史上从未考过的全新雅思口语话题:space travel,共5个问题。孩童时有过的遨游世界甚至宇宙幻想的你们,准备接招吧!注:话题里的题目均为考生回忆而来,有可能出现问题不全的情况,小编会持续关注,持续更新扩充话题,直到最终稳定版题库出炉。

  1.Do you want to travel in the outer space?


  You bet! I doubt there exists a human being who wouldn’t jump to seize the chance if they can set out on a space travel, of course provided it is totally safe.

  2.What would you do if you had that opportunity?


  I’d like to be the first one who ever set foot on the Mars and I want to check it out whether there is water or life with my naked eyes.

  3.Do you think it's necessary to see other planets?


  I don’t know. I mean on the one side the mankind is an adventurous race that should not be bound by earth or solar systems, but on the other side, many si-fis and even some renowned scientists warn of the potential unexpected consequences if we are set to space exploration.

  4.When was the last time you went travelling?


  I am not a travel bug that will do all kinds travelling even in the weekends. So maybe it is no or all for me , and the last time I traveled I went across half of the world to the far away north Africa, Morocco with my dear wife. It’s August 2017 and it’s my honeymoon travelling.

  5.Do you like to travel by air?


  Not really, since I don’t feel comfortable in the rather cramped economy seat which is what I can afford, and the long wait for departure is tiring. So basically the whole experience is worse than that of a train travel in China.

  以上为带来的雅思内容:破天荒的新题:2018年5月雅思口语 space travel,更多雅思口语新题资讯,更多高分口语范文,请持续关注
