雅思考试口语真题A Quiet Place

2022-06-01 10:28:42

  quiet place 是不是就一定是安静如鸡的地方?这个quiet还有宁静、清净的意思。因此大家在回答雅思口语的时候,如果能够有技巧得发散下思路,你的答案就会非常original.接下来就是带来的雅思内容:雅思考试口语真题A Quiet Place

  A Quiet Place

  Describe a quiet place you visited.

  You should say:

  where it was;

  what you did there;

  why you think it was quiet;

  and explain how you felt about visiting that place.

  各位同学,刚刚上映的一部恐怖片《寂静之地》的英文就是quiet place。所以,有些同学可能就误会了,这个quiet是不是就一定是安静如鸡的地方?


  A quiet place I recently visited is the xxx botanic garden. I go there quite often, whenever I feel caged or nerve-racking.



  The park was quiet mainly because it was huge. It was divided into several large areas to display all sorts of plant species, some were quite rare and valuable for botanical studies.

  This brings the second reason, I guess there are not many plant lovers and botanists in our city. So we don’t usually see many people there, particularly on weekdays.


  Well, I went there by myself, but I suppose it would also be a perfect venue for a family day, or if you’ve got some friends’ catching-up to do. Anyway, it’s a stress-free place that allows us to enjoy everything nature has to offer.

  以上为带来的雅思内容:雅思考试口语真题A Quiet Place,大家从范文里get到雅思口语的精髓了吗?扣题和思维延展,在中间找平衡~
