
2022-05-23 05:13:00

  今天为大家带来的是雅思口语话题范文 shopping,好的part1答案,不在长句大词的炫技,而在流利简洁有效的回应。一起来看看详细内容!

  Remember that part 1 answers need to be short, direct and simple.


  1. Who does most of the shopping in your household?


  雅思口语考官范文:There isn't one person who does most of the shopping. I'd say it's a shared responsibility because we tend to go shopping together as a family.

  2.What kind of shopping do you like doing?


  雅思口语考官范文:I quite like shopping for presents for people's birthdays or for Christmas. My favourite type of shop would have to be a bookshop.

  3. Is shopping a popular activity in your country?

  雅思口语考官范文:Yes, it's very popular. Saturday is the busiest shopping day, and lots of people treat shopping as a kind of leisure activity, rather than something practical.


  4. What types of shops do teenagers like best in your country?


  雅思口语考官范文:I'm not an expert on teenage behaviour, but I guess they like buying clothes, music, gadgets... that kind of thing.
