2018雅思口语题库1-4月回顾Describe a historical period

2022-06-08 08:16:26

  Describe a historical period ,雅思口语历史类的话题应该怎样回答?平时,少不了要做些相关素材的准备了~接下来一起看看雅思口语内容:2018雅思口语题库1-4月回顾Describe a historical period

  Describe a historical period that you are interested in(热门话题)

  You should say:

  What the historical period is

  How you know it

  What happened during that period

  Why you find it interesting

  PART 3

  Do young people like historical stories in your country?

  Which historical period do you think is important in your country?

  Do you think history matters in a country's future development?

  What is the effective way of learning history, by reading books or watching videos?

  Why should we learn history?

  以上为网带来的雅思口语内容:2018雅思口语题库1-4月回顾Describe a historical period。预祝大家雅思口语对答如流,斩获高分!
