Describe a public place that you think need improvements 。一道雅思口语新题,你觉得哪些公共区域是需要改进的?下面我们来梳理以下该话题part2和part3两部分的内容。接下来一起看看雅思口语内容:2018雅思口语part2范文public place 之新题思路以及Part 3 扩展练习
Describe a public place that you think need improvements (新题)
You should say:
Where this public place is
What it is like
Why you think it needs improvements
And how to make it better
Are there many public places in China?
Do you like to exercise in the public places, such as parks?
Do older people or younger people prefer exercising in the public place?
What measures should governments and individuals take to keep public places clean?
How to keep a balance between public places and private houses?
以上为网带来的雅思口语内容:2018雅思口语part2范文public place 之新题思路以及Part 3 扩展练习。预祝大家雅思口语对答如流,斩获高分!