雅思口语话题素材Part 2 集中注意力

2022-06-02 08:04:14

       集中注意力,老生常谈是吧,可是让你把这个当成一个话题来讲,你会吗?考生们在备考时可以多多练习这些常见的雅思口语考题,确保正式考试时能够流利、自然地作答。接下来就一起来学习今天雅思内容:雅思口语话题素材Part 2 集中注意力


雅思口语话题素材Part 2 集中注意力

  “集中注意力”这个雅思口语话题虽然不算是新面孔,但是在口语Part 2出现,也真是难倒了很多同学。“学习工作的时候集中注意力”这么优秀的品质如果每位烤鸭都能做到,早就跟雅思分手了。大家想到的招数一般都不奏效啊!例如下载个App,种个小树苗,一碰手机你的小树苗就死掉了。或者逼自己去到网络奇差无比的图书馆,被浓重的学习氛围包围着,不学习没别的事儿可做,等等。其实不管是否奏效,咱们既然想到了就说呗,反正考官也不在乎你到底有没有“成功的专注学习”了。


  The thing I do that helps me stay focused is meditation.

  I used to be the kind of person who gets distracted easily. For example, when I was working, I would be attracted by the water cooler conversation my colleagues were having. And when I was searching for some information on the Internet, a pop-up advertisement could stop me working for a while.

  I’d been having a hard time concentrating until one day, I watched a TED talk about meditation. What I remember most from the talk is, the speaker said, our brain is our most valuable resource, and yet we don't take any time out to look after it. And that really hit me. I was like, maybe that’s the reason why I couldn’t focus, I mean, I never gave my brain any rest, it’s always working. So I decided to give this meditation thing a shot, and that’s when I had this incredible, refreshing experience. Most people assume that meditation is all about stopping thoughts, getting rid of emotions, somehow controlling the mind, but actually it’s much different than that. It’s more about stepping back, seeing the thought clearly with a relaxed, focus mind. This practice is a good way to recharge and relieve stress, you know, just like our body, our brain also needs a break to get back the strength and energy.

  I do it on a daily basis, every day before I go to bed. And now I’m getting better and better at maintaining concentration.

       以上为今天网带来的雅思内容:雅思口语话题素材Part 2 集中注意力.更多雅思口语精彩资讯,请关注网论坛。预祝大家考试取得好成绩~加油!
