1、 Are there any shoes you like?
例:Yes, I like to wear several kinds of shoes, particularly high heels. The reason might be that wearing high heels can make me look thinner and prettier. Besides, I could gain more confidence when appear taller.
2、What’s your favourite brand of shoes?
例:Well, I suppose my favourite brand should be clarks, one of the most popular brands in the United Kingdom. Their shoes do not only bring me comfort, but also make me look elegant and graceful when I am walking.
3、Do you prefer fashionable or comfortable shoes?
例:I prefer comfortable shoes. Coz only when people wear comfortable shoes could they feel well. No matter how fashionable those shoes are, if people find them uncomfortable, they can be useless.
4、What’s the most important thing about shoes?
这题着实难倒了一大片同学,对于此类问题大家不必想得过于复杂,往简单了想。这里的think其实是指选鞋时候的考虑因素,这些因素包括: outlook外观;corlor颜色;fit or not合不合脚;style鞋子的风格等,大家只需选取一个因素并加以解释即可。
例:I suppose the most important thing should be whether the shoe fit me or not. If it does not, I may suffer from pain or ache when wearing it. As a result, I would be less willing to wear it very often, which is a great waste.
Sport shoes: 舒适comfortable and cool; 特别适合爱运动的人群good for those who like doing sports
High heels: 显瘦make young girls look thinner; 增加自信ladies can be more confident when wearing them; 优雅巧妙的设计使得其非常吸引人graceful and fabulous design
Canvas: 舒适 comfortable; 百搭can be matched with other outfits easily
人们常穿的鞋子包括这么几种:sport shoes (运动鞋);casual shoes (休闲鞋);hiking shoes (旅游鞋);slipper (拖鞋);sandals (凉鞋);canvas (帆布鞋);boots (靴子)。当然还有女生们酷爱的优雅性感的high heel(高跟鞋)和上班族喜爱的flat (平底鞋)。