雅思口语话题 如何用英文漂亮说出对他人的鼓励

2022-05-19 19:58:14

  雅思口语话题 如何用英文漂亮说出对他人的鼓励!如果在生活中有身边的人遇到了挫折或者很难解决的问题,我们应该怎么使用英文漂亮的鼓励他呢?下面

  1. Hang in there.撑下去。

  想象有人快要从悬崖上掉下去,只有一只手抓着仅剩的一点的石块,这时候他最需要的一句话就是Hang in there. 这个hang in 就是抓住不要让自己掉下去的意思。

  这个短语用在实际的生活中,就是鼓励别人要坚持下去、不要放弃。像有一次电视剧中有个人被枪射伤,他的好友就对他说:Hang in there. I'll call the ambulance. (撑下去,我去叫救护车。)

  2. Cheer up. You've done a good job. 高兴点,你做得很好啊。

  Cheer up 也是常用来鼓励人的话,就是要别人高兴一点、不要难过 (Don't be sad.) 而 You've done a good job. 这句话则几乎己经成为一种固定用法,每当别人完成一件任务时,你都可以跟他说You've done a good job. 或是简单地说Good job.或者Well done.

  3. You are very supportive.你很支持我

  “支持”在中文是个动词,所以这句话很多人会说成 You support me a lot. 这样的讲法也没错,但 support somebody 在英文中常有在金钱上支持某人作某件事的意思。 例如 My parents support me to go to the college. (我父母供我上大学。) 因此老美常用 supportive 来表示一个人对一个人的支持。例如一些访谈的节目中就常可以听到这样的话 My husband is very supportive. (我的丈夫对我十分支持。) 或是要感谢别人对你的支持时,你也可以说You are very supportive.

  “If you just use those two contrasts and think about what you might expect from your family versus what you might expect from your sports team, you start to see the differences.” Families are involved in all parts of your life, and are expected to celebrate with you socially. “Your involvementin your sports team is more limited. Less caretaking, more competitive.” “如果你对比这两种认识,想想你能从家庭看到什么以及能从体育团队看到什么,就会看出差别来。”“家”涉及你生活的方方面面,并且就社会层面上与你共享成功的喜悦。“而你在体育团队中的参与度是有限的。关爱更少,竞争更多。”

  Another example is in the realm of leadership. Many people assume that charismaticleadership is a good thing - using a strong personality to inspire loyalty in others. But that's not going to work for everyone, Gibson says. “The very same behaviors that are deemed desirablefrom a leader in one culture might be viewed as interference or micromanagementin other settings.” 另外一个例子便是人们对“领导”的理解。许多人认为有魅力的领导作风是件好事——用人格魅力激发员工的忠诚。但吉布森称这并不对每个人都管用。“同样的行为,在一种文化中被看做是领导者的必备素质,在另一种文化中却成了干涉或是微观管理。

  以上为雅思口语话题 如何用英文漂亮说出对他人的鼓励内容,希望帮助大家积累更多雅思口语语料知识。
