
2022-05-28 23:33:49


  Describe an animal同describe a pet

  Describe a piece of architecture in your hometown同a building in your hometown

  Describe a special piece of clothes or jewelry写自己的wedding ring,或者lucky ring。

  Describe an expensive thing you wan to buy具体到价格,I wan to buy a $5000 laptop

  Describe a food that you enjoyed. 要能说得明白怎么做,分三步就可以

  Describe something you want to own in the future=expensive thing that you want to buy

  Describe the best gift=pet=expensive thing you want to buy

  Describe a machine/piece of equipment that is important to you=mobile phone or computer

  Describe a newspaper of magazine=your favorite book

  Describe a interesting room=favorite room in your home

  Describe a toy of yours可以写fluffy toys(毛绒玩具),balloon或者宠物

  Describe a difficult choice that you made in your life

  Describe a perfect job you want to do in the future

  Describe a time that you saw an interesting animal

  Describe the first time that you had an English conversation with a foreigner

  Describe an important festival in your country

  Describe an interesting story from TV program

  Describe an artistic skill you wish to learn=write a book或者绘画

  Describe a small business you want to start=谈自己的工作

  Describe an important decision you’ve made=describe a change in your life可以写决定要出国

  Describe your ideal job着眼于现在工作的不足来写理想工作的特点

  Describe an industry in your hometown参考第一阶段,或者直接说旅游业

  Describe a special meal讲第一次约会的晚餐好了,呵呵

  Describe your experience in learning a language参考第一阶段

  Describe pollution in your area可以讲水污染

  Describe a skill or subject you want to study参考第一阶段“自己的兴趣”

