
2022-06-03 19:41:49


  1. School:


  2. Living city:

  是否喜欢这个城市? 以后还想住在这里么? 你觉得这个城市的交通系统是否方便? 你

  喜欢用公共交通工具么? 用公共交通坐过的最长的旅程是多久?

  3. -Watch

  童年时候有没有收到新的手表作为礼物?小时候喜欢戴手表么?谁给你买的? 经常喜欢

  戴手表么? 为什么戴表 ? 你觉得那些人买贵的手表干嘛呢?

  4. Book reading :

  Do you love reading ? Do you prefer to borrow books or buy books ?Do you read E-book?

  5. -Dream

  Do you remember you dream when you wake up ? do you like hearing other’s dream ? do you

  think dream will affect life ? why ? do you want to learn more about dream ?你认为梦和现实有关系么?

  6. -Robots

  Are you interested in robots ? why ? Do you like robots to work at your home ? Do you want

  to take a car which robot is the driver ?

  7. -Friends

  你和你朋友业余时间做什么? 你有很多朋友么? 一个最好的朋友好还是很多朋友好?

  下课后喜欢做什么? 跟朋友喜欢做什么?Why or why not ? why difficult to meet people hug or

  kiss or shaking hands , why ?do you prefer making friends online or making friends in life ? 有外


  8. -Teachers:

  最喜欢的老师是谁? 想做老师么?what qualities a good teacher should have ?

  9. -Holiday

  你喜欢的 holiday 是啥? Why? 你在假期用来干什么?

  10. -Magazine:

  喜欢看杂志么? 喜欢买杂志还是借?为什么?

  11: -Housework

  会不会做家务? 什么类型的? 你小时候会做家务么? 你觉得小孩子应该做家务么?最不


  12 . - Mirror looking

  你经常照镜子么? 经常买镜子么? 你认为镜子是一个必要的装饰品吗?你会随身带镜子


  13. -Public transport

  你有没有曾经用交通工具去哪里? 你常用交通工具上班吗? 未来公共交通工具会流行

  么?The longest travel you take by public transport ? Will Chinese people use public transport more

  in the future ? how do you think of public transport ?

  14. -Celebrity

  Who is your favorite celebrity in China ? Do you like any foreign celebrities ?Would you like to

  be a celebrity in the future ? whether we should protect famous person ‘s privacy ? 是否喜欢名


  15. -Noise :

  喜欢什么样的声音?为啥?嘈杂的环境中你的感受如何? What kind of noise you don’t

  like ?describe a particular noise you like or dislike ? how you feel about noise when you are working?

  16. -chocolate

  How often do you eat ,why ? Did you like eating when you were a child ? Have you ever given

  chocolate as a gift , why ? why People like giving chocolate as a gift ?

  17. -bags

  Do you like bags ? what kind of bags do you like ?

  Do you have different bags for different occasions ?

  18. -handwriting

  手写好还是电脑打字好,why? 你更喜欢哪一种?Why ? 学生更常用哪种,why ?

  19. 雅思口语 part1-mobile phone


  20. 雅思口语 part1-computer



