
2022-06-02 02:02:27


  1. Are there many parks or public gardens where you live?

  Yes, there’s a park in the city centre. The park contains several natural-looking lakes and ponds, which have been created artificially. Activities, like jogging, boating and rock climbing are all available here.


  2. Do you often go to a park or a garden?

  Yes, I often go there and it’s a nice place to relax. If you live in the city centre, the park must be the right place where you can escape from the noise and traffic. It’s the most visited park in the city.


  3. What do other people do in these places?

  Well, people can participate in different activities. There’re many species of woodland birds in the park, so tourists can feed them. Also, two ice-skating rinks are available for the residents to go ice-skating in winter.


  4. Do you think parks are important to a city?

  Yes, it’s quite important. It’s a nice place for city dwellers to relax and have chance to appreciate the spectacular natural beauty. Also, it’s an important area provided for recreational use, which allows for sporting activities.


  5. Do you think every city and town should have parks?

  Absolutely. It's a matter of quality of life and of community. I’d much rather see parks and public gardens than nothing but concrete.


