
2022-06-04 00:11:07





  比如:Are you working or studying-

  I am working now.

  How do you spend your weekends-

  I spend my weekends readingand watching TV.

  Do you read a lot in your spare time-

  Yes, I read a lot in myparetime.


  其实如若您拿着这些问题去问一个初中生或甚至是小学生,他恐怕也能非常流利的给出 这些答案的吧。既然如此,您又怎么能显示出您的水平决不仅止与此哪?雅思口语的高分诀窍就是要在很短的时间内将您的浑身解数都使出来。那么我们就要有意识 的积累一些答题的技巧,也就是如何拓长自己的答案,并且灵活运用各种句型的方法

  关于雅思口语考试第二部分考生可以从很多方面和角度来回答问题,比如 what, who, where, why, when.

  例如最近考到的第二部分的题目 — “describe a type of sport”, 即可以从从事这项运动适合的人群,设备,花费和规定,以及这项运动给人们带来的好处来回来。例如谈我们熟悉额羽毛球 — badminton;年龄:It is suitable for both young and old person;类型 —— from recreational to competitive type; 设备 (equipment)—rackets, shuttles, sporting shoes and clothes; 规则和花费 ( rules and costs)—Rules: The point is scored when the shuttle touches the ground, within the lines of the court. Costs: fees for joining a club; 这项运动的益处— 心情:give you happiness and satisfaction, 健康的好处 make/ keep fit, stress reliever, burn fat and lose weight and increase your life longevity, 社交的好处 meet and have a lot of friends; 锻炼速度和反应度: Increase speed/reflex/intelligence. 考生可以根据以上列举的几个方面并加以扩展来完成对这个题目的回答。

  在PART 3中,好坏类类的题目出现的频率非常高,这一类题目很多学生是有话可说的,但是问题在于好处或者坏处只能想到一点,所以答案内容往往比较单一,让人苦恼,下面我们就来跟着新东方在线闫春伟老师来学习好坏类考题的答题技巧。


  1. What are the advantages of living in the city?

  2. What are the disadvantages of keeping a pet?

  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of spending time in a foreign country?


  1. What are the advantages of living in the city?

  In the city you can live a better life because there are a lot of great places to enjoy your life.


  Well, I suppose there are quite a few clear benefits.

  First, an obvious advantage is that you can enjoy a more colorful life.

  For example, the subway will bring you a lot of convenience and the shopping malls can add fun to your life.

  Second, the city can also provide you with better educational resources. You know, the schools are equipped with modern facilities and qualified teachers, which enables you to get a better education.

  对于PART 3的问题,如果我们只有一个中心点,那么可以从这个中心点的对应面出发,寻找第二个中心点,来扩充语言。例如:生活 VS 学习, 物质 VS 精神, 个人 VS 社会 等等。

