雅思口语Your Country相关话题及高分回答

2022-05-30 10:04:25

  雅思口语着重考察考生的语言表达能力及与人沟通的能力,这部分话题经常是多变的,为了帮助大家更好的备考雅思口语,小编为大家整理了雅思口语Your Country相关话题及高分回答,一起来具体的了解一下吧。

  我们先来了解一下雅思口语关于Your Country常见的话题有哪些:

  Tell me about the kind of foreign visitors or tourists who go to your country.

  What would you suggest a visitor should see and do in your country?

  In what ways has tourism changed your country?

  Transport How did you come here today?

  Have you been caught in a traffic jam?

  How you go to school/work every day?

  What is public transport like in your town?

  How do you think it could be improved?

  Do you think people should use public transport more? Why or why not?

  Do you think it’s a good idea for people to have their own cars? Why or why not?

  下面我们来以Describe your favourite season in your country为例来了解一下考生应该如何进行回答. You should say

  - when that season is

  - what the weather is like at that time of year

  - how that season is different from other seasons

  - and why it is your favourite season.


  My favourite season in England is winter. A typical English winter would last around 4 or 5 months between November and March, but when I say that I like the winter, I’m really thinking about the coldest month or two each year.

  During those really wintry months, the temperature drops below zero and it often snows. Over the last few years we’ve had periods of quite heavy snowfall, to the extent that roads have been blocked and schools have had to close. Last winter I remember looking out of the window one morning and seeing everything covered in a layer of white.

  Obviously the snow is what differentiates winter from the other seasons, but when it doesn’t snow there isn’t much difference between winter, autumn and spring; winter is just a bit colder.

  The reason I’ve chosen winter as my favourite season is because I like the snow. I live near the countryside, and the landscape looks beautiful when everything is covered in white. We also celebrate Christmas and New Year in the winter, and these are my favourite festivals.

  以上是小编为大家带来的关于雅思口语Your Country高分回答的相关介绍,希望能够对考生备考关于城市话题口语有帮助。
