雅思口语part 1解题思路

2022-06-09 01:59:54

  虽然雅思口语第一部分是比较简单的,但对于初次接触雅思口语的考生来说,还是要掌握一些技巧的,今天小编就特意为大家整理了雅思口语part 1解题思路,供大家参考,一起来看看吧!

  通常同学们觉得雅思口语part 1难,并非是觉得基本信息类话题诸如hometown, accommodation, study/work之类的题难,而是觉得part 1中出现的雅思口语抽象类话题例如concentration, punctuality, time之类的话题无从下手。但其实仔细研究这些问题的话我们可以发现,这些抽象类话题的问题并未比其他的简单问题高深很多,难的其实是同学们答题思路的拓展。这里我们就以concentration这个话题下的两个小问题为例来分析一下解题思路。


  1. Is it difficult to concentrate?

  2. Do you think people can do two things at the same time?

  我们可以清楚地看到问题形式仍旧离不开特殊疑问句,一般疑问句,那么对于这些由简单句构成的抽象问题我们该如何应对?这里告诉大家一个非常好用的拓展思路的方法,那就是化抽象为具体-举例子。例如第一个问题:Is it difficult to concentrate? 光从理论层面上看比较难分析,我们可以举这么几个例子来说明集中注意力难:Taking reading as an example, every time when I want to concentrate on my reading, my phone does not stop ringing. My friends and family often invite me to do this and that, which brings me a lot of difficulties to concentrate. Besides, I can also be easily detracted by the noise or music outside. 这样一来,这些具体的例子实际上就可以成为yes/no的论据并且更加有力地支撑考生的观点。


  Q: Is it difficult to concentrate?

  A: Yes, it is really difficult. Taking reading as an example, every time when I want to concentrate on my reading, my phone does not stop ringing. My friends and family often invite me to do this and that, which brings me a lot of difficulties to concentrate. Besides, I can also be easily detracted by the noise or music outside. So I think it is never easy to concentrate.

  相似地,对于第二个问题,我们也可以依样画葫芦来拓展解题思路。若认为人们不可以同时做两件事,可以举这样的例子:For example, if people make phone calls while driving, their lives will be in great danger. Similarly, if students study while watching TV, their learning efficiency and outcome can hardly be guaranteed. 如此两个例子就大大增加了观点的说服力。


  Q: Do you think people can do two things at the same time?

  A: Well, I do not think so. For example, if people make phone calls while driving, their lives will be in great danger. Similarly, if students study while watching TV, their learning efficiency and outcome can hardly be guaranteed. Therefore, I do not think people can do two things at the same time.

  以上就是小编为大家整理的雅思口语part 1解题思路,希望对广大考生有所帮助。如需了解更多雅思考试的相关信息,请去
