剑桥雅思系列真题是剑桥大学考试 委员会外语考试部出版各类考试真题的唯一官方 出版社出版的权威教材,书中包含最新的雅思全 真试题资料,是各类雅思考生备考过程中必不可 少的参考书。非常适合学生自学的习题解答和听 力录音文本。
因此接下来,小编将为各位童鞋提 供剑桥雅思系列真题,并附上
剑桥雅思4-4口语真题 part1:Your favourite place
What place do you most like to visit?
How often do you visit this place?
Why do you like it so much?
Is it popular with many other people?
Has it changed very much since you first went there? In what way?