雅思口语机经答题辅导par1: individual learning or group learning?

2022-05-19 00:17:15


  下面小编推出雅思口语考试中的高频话题:Do you prefer individual learning or group learning?并给出要点提示和结构示例。

  雅思口语Part 1答题辅导-机经

  Topic 22

  Do you prefer individual learning or group learning?




  1. 要点提示

  1) Choose one according to your own opinion, and give reasons. You can also tell people why you don’t like the other option.

  2. 结构示例

  1) In my perspective, the two learning approaches are totally different learning situations.

  2) I personally prefer individual/group learning, because…

  3) The reason why I’m not quite into group/individual learning is…



