
2022-05-19 12:53:53


  Question card:

  A Wild Animal

  Describe a time when you saw a wild animal.

  You should say:

  what animal it was

  where you saw it

  what happened when you saw it and explain how do people in your country feel about this animal


  1. 西藏羚羊

  2. 2012年秋季,我和Amber 坐火车从成都到西藏拉萨的途中,看到藏羚羊在路边吃草, 在路边奔跑。

  3. 从前,一些人为了非法牟利,偷偷捕杀羚羊,使得产量减少,但是,人们慢慢了解羚羊对于牧民和藏区的重要,加大了保护力度,所以,现在羚羊的数量上升,人们也学会和动物和谐共存。


  1. Tibetan antelope 西藏羚羊

  2. save the Tibetan antelope 挽救西藏羚羊

  3. moves with enormous leaps 大步跳跃

  4. swift-running antelope= fast-running antelope 奔跑速度极快的羚羊

  5. mammals哺乳动物

  6. native to Africa and Asia产于非洲和亚洲

  7. having long and slender horns 体形纤细有长角

  8. ……could survive drier conditions 能够在较干旱的环境中生存

  点评:survive 后面不接介词,直接加名词宾语

  9. A group of Tibetan antelopes feed near Chengdu-Tibet railway 一只藏羚在拉萨成都到西藏的铁路附近进食

  10. antelope skin or antelope meat 羚羊皮或者羚羊肉

  11. In a matter of seconds, the whole herd had taken to their heels 转眼间就全都跑掉了

  点评:herd 牧群;heel 脚后跟

  12. They are considered as the swiftest hoofed mammal in the world 羚羊被认为是世界上最敏捷的有蹄动物

  13. timid 性情胆怯的

  14. in order to make money illegally = reap fabulous profits illegally 非法谋益


  15. More and more people learn to how to live in harmony with this special wild animal 越来越多人学习和野生动物和谐相处


  Well, when being asked to describe an interesting wild animal I once saw, I cannot help thinking about Tibetan antelope. It is a sort of timid mammal. Antelopes usually have long and slender horns, and could survive drier conditions and most antelopes are native to Africa and Asia. They are fast-running animals and could move with enormous leaps.

  As for where and how I saw these wild animals, not in the zoos or on the Television, however, it is during a trip from Chengdu to Tibet. During the summer holiday of 2012, my best friend Amber and I were going to Tibet, during the journey, we saw a group of Tibetan antelopes feed near Chengdu-Tibet railway, still we saw when some antelopes saw our train, in a matter of seconds, the whole herd ran away quickly. We were excited when seeing these precious wild animals.

  In my country, some greedy hunters used to hunt for and slaughter Tibetan antelopes in order to make money illegally. Sometimes, people sell their meats, sometimes,people sell their skins or horns. However, our government has been imposing heavier punishment on those illegal hunters and strengthening the publicity of animal protection. As a result, more and more people learn to how to live in harmony with this special wild animal now.

  Well,that is my description and thank you for your listening.



  1. 一项国家重要的工作:野生动物保护,以羚羊为例

  2. 一次长途旅行:进藏旅行

  3. 你做过的浪费时间的事情:成都到西藏的火车旅途

  4. 一段离家很远的时光:西藏旅行

  5. 和一群人做的事情:和很多朋友一起去西藏旅行

  6. 一个看到的美丽的人:西藏美丽的地接导游

  7. 一个想要学习但是现在不会的技能:骑马,在西藏旅行期间产生的想法

  8. 为旅行从家中带的东西:西藏旅行时带的佳能单反相机

  9. 一个有用的软件:西藏旅行用苹果手机的百度地图

  10. 一个你想从朋友处学习的好习惯:随时学习的好习惯,和好友amber 去西藏的长途旅行,几十个小时,她还在学习雅思写作小鹏哥原创语料库。
