1.Who gave you your name?
Well,I don’t quite remember who did it, because it was 25 years ago, maybe myparents did it.
2.Does your name have any special meaning?
No,I don’t think so. My parents never explained why they chose this name for me.
3.Do you like your name?
It’sokay, just two characters. It’s very easy to write and remember.
Yes,it is a good name. It’s better than those names that only have two characters.
Ijust like long names. Long names sound complicated.
Well,I’m a complicated person, so I deserve a complicated name.
Beingcomplicated is hard to explain, but I just like the style. Maybe when I’molder, I can explain better.
Oldpeople know how to explain things more clearly, it’s their skill.
Why?第一部分一般比较短,why 到这儿差不多了吧。如果还穷追不舍,只能说考官问why 上瘾了。。。
Ilove it! Not many people have four characters for their names. I love thefeeling of having a VERY different name!
4.In your country, do people feel their name is important?
Somepeople do. They are like their names are everything for them. They can makemoney from having a good name.
5.Would you like to change your name?
No,I don’t see the point of doing it. A name is just a name. Things will be thesame, change it or not.
6.Is it easy to change your name in your country?
Ireally don’t know. None of my friends have ever done that. I guess if youreally want to change it, it won’t be that difficult.
7.Who usually names babies in your country?
Parentsare responsible. They want to find nice names for their children, like a giftor something. Sometimes, grand parents want to do it, and they’ll spend like amonth to find a name.
8. Do you have any special traditions aboutnaming children?
I’mnot sure. My family is never traditional, so I’ve never heard of anything aboutnaming from my parents. Perhaps those traditions have died?
9.What names are most common in your hometown?
Okay,I wish I had a computer here and did some research about it. Common names,okay, so for boys, (中文汉字拼音,一个字一个字的发音,就说三四个就行啦)。 For girls, I just realized I never paid attention to girls’ names!
10.Why do so many Chinese people share the same family name?
Avery good question. Honestly I don’t know how to answer it. It’s what people inthis society do usually, no one has ever questioned it. It’s probably justtradition.