1. Do you live in a house or flat?
I actually live in a dormitory building oncampus. My place is not really a house or a flat, just a room with a few bunkbeds.
2. Who do you live with?
I live with a few guys and girls from myclass. We’re all studying an English major.
3. how long have you lived there?
It’s been 4 years. Imoved in in 2010.
4. What do you usually do in your dormroom? (学霸版)
I’m usually out at the library during theday. So my dorm is just a place where I sleep at night.
5. Can you describe the place where youlive?
Answer 1: Sure. So in the room, each of ushas our own bunk bed. The beds are all on one side of the room. There are a fewdesks on the other side.
Answer 2: Sure. My bed is interesting. It’sconnected with a desk below. There are four of this kind of bed in the room.Theroom is really neat. Girls all like being neat!
6.Do you plan to live there for a longtime?
No. The policy is once you graduate, youhave to leave. You can’t stay forever.
7.So after you graduate, would you moveback to your parents’ place?
Yes I really want to. My home is muchbigger than my dorm. And I have my own room at home. Plus I don’t need to paythe rent.
8. which room do you like best at home?
I would say….. my room, because I can haveprivacy and space. And the walls are painted pink. It’s my favorite color!