
2022-05-18 16:55:51


  1. Doyou like any teachers of yours?

  Answer 1: Yes, there are a few teachers I really like. They definitelyknow how to teach, unlike others who only do their job and don’t care abouttheir students.

  Answer 2: No, I don’t think so. I just can’t remember anyone who everimpressed me with what they taught.

  Answer 3: Hmm, most of my teachers are alright. But I would say I don’t likethem that much.

  2. Have your teachers helped you?

  Answer 1: Yes, since primary school, there have always been teachers whoare there for me. They helped me with my studies, sometimes they encouraged mewhen I was really down.

  Answer 2: Hmm, I guess so, but not many of them ever wanted to help me alot. It’s just if I had questions I asked them and got my answers.

  3. Doyou still keep in touch with your teachers?

  Answer 1: Yes, some of my teachers are now myfriends. Sometimes I send them text messages, sometimes we just hang out andhave a cup of tea together or something.

  Answer 2: Not… really. Honestly I don’t havecontact information of any of my teachers from high school or primary school. Ijust want to move on.

  4. Doyou want to be a teacher?

  Answer 1: Yes I do. I’m actually studying education now. I love thefeeling of helping students achieve their goals.

  Answer 2: No. It would kill me! No kidding. For one thing, it’s hard,you have to know your stuff really well. For another, I don’t want to teach thesame thing for 20 years, it’s boring!
