雅思口语中,part two部分是很多学生倍感压力的一部分。因为要个人陈述至少1分钟,想拿到高分的学生要说过2分钟。对于素材积累少,话题词汇贫乏的考生来讲,这部分并不是短时间能够提高上来的。网上有很多背诵的素材,但是考生也知道,背诵的素材分数不会超过5或者5.5分。阅人无数的雅思考官一眼就能识别考生是否在记忆模板或者背诵。
那么part two怎么能让内容充实又不失风趣或者吸引力,是考生要关注的问题。我们来看下面例题:
Describe a famous person you would like to meet.
You should say:
Who the person is…
Why he/she is famous
Why you would like to meet this celebrity
And explain what you would like to do if you met this person.
大多数的考生只是定睛在这里仅有的四个问题上,实际上考生可以进行扩充,比如how do you know this person; how do you feel about this person; what kind of life did he live before he becomes famous; Are there any special stories about him等等。 所以这样无形中就使得自己的回答充实起来。