
2022-06-05 18:15:59

  在解析这次的雅思口语真题前,Louise先和大家来讨论一个词relax,这个单词相信烤鸭们都很喜欢用,比如谈到sport,reading, movie, 都会用一个理由叫it can relax myself. 但事实上这样的用法是错误的,之前雅思考官John明确指出在讲“放松自己”的时候应该说I relax 儿不是relax myself. 听完大家都恍然大悟。那么既然前面这个错误的用法大家已经根深蒂固了怎么办呢?找其他词代替呗!现在和大家分享几个能替代relax 的词。

  1. ease my mind, 这是个可以灵活替代relax的词,比如在阳台reading, listening to music, 都是ease our mind 的事情。

  2. release my pressure, relieve my stress, 放松压力还可以这么说。

  3. blow off some steam, 这个是美国俚语里少数可以用在雅思口语考试当中的词,意思是去外边玩, 缓解压力。

  4. 最后Unwind. 这个词可以直接和relax互换使用,但是它的读音大家要注意,后边的wind跟表示“风”意思的音不同,大家可以赶紧查字典确认。

  OK, 下面进入主题,我们一起来回忆下这次雅思口语考试Part 1 和 Part 2的真题:

  Part 1

  1. Major/Study 6. Friends/Relatives

  2. Hometown/city you live 7.Cook

  3. Flat/House 8. Color

  4. Weather 9. Shoe

  5. Relax 10. Season

  Part 2

  1. your plans for the future 未来计划

  2. a group you would like to take part in. 团体

  3. a useful website that you like to visit. 网站

  4. your favorite season or time of the year 喜欢的季节

  5. something (except phone and computer) that you can’t live without.

  6. a story you heard when you were a child 儿时听过的故事

  7. a school rule you disagree. 一条你不认同的校规

  8. a trip you made by public traffic. 做公共交通的一次旅行

  9. a book you enjoy reading 你喜欢阅读的书籍

  10. a singer or music band that you like 你喜欢的一个歌手或乐队

  11. something you bought but seldom use 一个你买了但没怎么用的东西

  12. an important job in your country 你国家重要的工作

  13. an APP that you think is very useful 你觉得有用的APP

  14. a radio or TV program that you like to talk about with your parents or friends 一个电视或电台节目

  15. someone you think is beautiful or handsome 一个漂亮或帅的人

  现在,我们一起来看看在Part 1当中的一个话题,叫做Housework,做家务。我相信现在的很多90后,00后甚至80后都不食人间烟火,极少在家洗衣服刷盘子,更别说拖地,做饭等粗活,那么遇到这类问题,还是得准备点语料的,对不对?

  Do people in your country do much housework?

  In your home, who does the house work?

  Do you so much house work?

  Do you think children should do housework?

  关于Housework 的词汇:

  Washing the dishes 洗盘子

  Sweeping the floor 扫地

  Mopping the floor 拖地

  Making the beds 铺床

  Preparing meals 做饭

  Washing vegetables 洗菜

  Setting the table 整理餐桌

  Taking out the garbage 倒垃圾

  Doing the laundry 洗衣服

  Tidying up 整理


  - Cleaning the kitchen 打扫厨房

  - Cleaning the stove 清理炉子

  - Cleaning the bathroom 清理卫生间

  - Cleaning the toilet 洗马桶

  - Washing the windows 洗窗户

  最后,Louise给大家分享一篇来自native speaker 的Part 2高分范文:


  Describe a trip you made by public transport.

  Where did you go?

  Why did you choose public transport?

  How did you feel about the trip?

  And share some details about the trip

  Sample answer:

  Recently, I took a coach (bus) from Toronto to Montreal to visit my brother. It is a journey that normally takes about 5 hours, but this bus company stops half way for a 30-minute break.

  I choose to travel by public transportation because I don’t like driving long distances. When I travel via bus, I can read or work on my computer or just sleep on the way. I find this helps me unwind. In fact, I often opt to (choose) the public transportation if I can.

  Overall. I felt the journey was quite comfortable because it was a coach, the seats were very spacious and reclined enough that I could get some sleep. There was also a Wi-Fi connection, which is something I haven’t seen on a bus before. I didn’t use it, but I saw several other people connect it. Travelling in the spring also means it was a very scenic (beautiful) journey. To get to Montreal from Toronto you spend a lot of time on highway surrounded by lush茂盛的 green nature, which was nice.

  The price, however, was a little steep (expensive). I think I paid $110 for a return ticket, which to me, is quite expensive. I suppose it would have been cheaper to drive, but I feel arriving fresh is money well spent (fairly worthy). So, on the whole, the entire experience was a positive one. I would highly recommend public transportation to anyone.

